The problem of Mental Health

People just feel stuck, trapped, helpless, no way out, no escape from the discomfort of poor mental health, often the discomfort of living

As an innovative social enterprise we offer mental health support and services to businesses with the aspiration of providing access to support that people desperately need!

We don’t just provide people with information… Our approach is for the benefit of ALL!  

How d’you know?

A lifetime experience of stress, anxiety, obsessions, compulsions and addictions.

My career in business development spanned many decades. I had a specific focus on international markets and economic development; researching often complex markets and economies in order to identify opportunities for investment.

Prior to experiencing burnout, a breakdown, depression due to stress at work I began to research the market for madness. I, as Einstein pointed out, had 60 minutes to save my own world as suicide, the long term solution to a short term problem, appeared the only way out.

Despite the opportunities and resources at my disposal. The confusion, the magic and fantasy and at times, utter nonsense that surrounds mental health motivated me to use my knowledge and experience to solve the problem of poor mental health. I used my experience of Open innovation which I gained whilst working alongside leading academics in a Scottish University to understand the problem.

The first principle of Open Innovation. In order to solve any problem you first need to understand the problem and the best way to understand… is to stand under..!

At the pinnacle of a lifetime of discomfort lay an existential crisis. This led to the creation of ehnoo! and I’d love to share this with you…

Einstein once said ‘if I had 60 minutes to save the world, I’d spend 55 minutes figuring out the problem and 5 minutes working on the solution’.

I am confident that you will not find this anywhere else…

Fascinating… Since confidence has previously eluded me…

We would love to be able to do this ourselves…

But we need your help!

If you’d like to knowehnoo what mental health is, where it comes from and what you can do about it…

Tell eh Boss ehnoo!

What Guides us…


It means ‘do no harm’

Thank’s for stopping by…!

We want to